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6B CMOs for Immediate sale

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 6B CMOs for Immediate sale Empty 6B CMOs for Immediate sale

Post  Admin Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:11 pm

6B CMOs for Immediate sale

Here are the screen shots for the first 6B. The rep is in China. He can bring forth 30B in CMOs different bank tranches. The owner is in the US.

JP Morgan 2 Billion

Merill Lynch 1 Billion

Morgan Stanley 1 Billion

Goldman Sach 2 Billion

Procedure: Trader Desk to Desk T1 Closing.

The transaction must be Trader desk to Trader Desk. Same day closing.

 6B CMOs for Immediate sale Goldma10

 6B CMOs for Immediate sale Jp_mor10

 6B CMOs for Immediate sale Jp_mor11

 6B CMOs for Immediate sale Merril11

i will be happy make new flustration from busines

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Join date : 2012-10-23

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