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Offer Gold and Silver Investor

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Offer Gold and Silver   Investor  Empty Offer Gold and Silver Investor

Post  Admin Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:46 pm

Dear company office  Investor

a lot of ore, in the ground and depending on how you pay
you can buy lots of the gold.

I own the XXXXXXXXXXXX Gold and Silver mine next to it on the
vein system.

I am under complete control of the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx

the XXXXXXXX  enrichment starts on the 5730 drift
and all the enrichment from the Bald Mt. Claim migrates into the
XXXXXXX  being complete at 1000 feet below.

the XXXXXXXXX  has 100,000,000 million in gold, plus

diamond drilled on two levels with core samples
one level, 326,000 ounces proved gold.
412,716,000 usd

main level included

This type of Mine will gold 4 to 6000 feet deep
200 foot levels

Probable ore over 2 billion in gold at the price today

costs 350 dollars a ton to mine, as we go deeper will cost more
ore shipped to smelter went 0.50 ounces a ton, and we were mining for silica, taking the waste too.

I need 20,000,000 to get this mine into super operation
start up 12 million

I can start mining ore within 30 days
start setting up the mill, in the Mill building, probably 6 months to complete the mill,

Offer Gold and Silver   Investor  44122210

Offer Gold and Silver   Investor  45121210


Posts : 647
Join date : 2012-10-23

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