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100 MT exw bank Gold Bullions amounting 4.9 Billion United State Dollars##

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100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   Empty 100 MT exw bank Gold Bullions amounting 4.9 Billion United State Dollars##

Post  Admin Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:46 pm

Dear Sir

Offer  :    

 if you will buy Gold  Bullions from Owner for  your company   , That is possible

Gold Bullions amounting  exw bank  ( Europe  )   100 MT  # 4.9 Billion United State Dollars##  

real deal with Gold Bullions

min  Quatity  100 MT


can you update your BCL and verify BCL  

exw eu  bank   4.9 B USD  

1/ You must qualify  as buyer  
2/   price  : exw  bank 4.9 B USD  

2/ BCL from buyer will be send to owner attorney  ( with permission calling to bank officer with PIN , buyer will inform BBO ( buyer bank officer )  that Attorney will call  

100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   58585710

100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   85584710

100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   58857410

100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   54151510

100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   58888810

100 MT  exw bank  Gold Bullions amounting  4.9    Billion United State Dollars##   45585810

Gold discovered from Egyptians tombs buried thousand of years and Gold discovered from treasures buried thousand years ago?? According to your purity loss theory they would be as good as paper by now.
In evidence to support the theory that Gold is Gold, and age does not matter, is the proof on LBMA's (London Bullion Market Association) website.

no send me buyer 200 MT per week or 10.000 MT buyer

Market Commentary
On may 2nd Warren Buffet stated, that even after the price slump gold
still does not appeal to him, as „It just sits there, and you hope
somebody pays you more for it.“ But it seems, that there were a lot of
market participants out there, who did not agree with the so-called
„Oracle of Omaha“. Net long positions in futures and options on gold
rose 19 percent by the end of April according to data from the U.S.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Short contracts on gold fell
9.2 percent in the same time. Overall investors were strongly seeking
exposure to commodities in the last weeks. Net long positions on U.S.
traded commodities has risen 28 percent in the last week of April, the
most in seven weeks. The European Central Bank has cut the
borrowing costs to a new record low on May 2nd and in the USA the
impression arised, that the Fed will rather increase it’s monthly bond
buying program, than decrease the amount pumped into the market or
even stop it. The Cash flooding the market raises fears and people use
gold as hedge against inflation therefore. Despite the huge amount of
liquidity pumped into the market, there were no signs of an overly
inflationary environment arising in the last months and quarters. For
the most part this was the result of an weak economic environment,
where banks partly practiced restricted lending, so that the efficiency of
the monetary easing was rather low. Nevertheless in the USA the
economy began to recover in the last quarters and also the lendingbehaviour
from the banks improved significantly. But the expectations
concerning inflation still are quitted modest. In Europe the picture is
different, with a weak economy, restrictive lending and below average
inflation expectations. It will get hard for gold to recover or reach the
old highs respectively. At the moment the inflationary worries are low
and global deflationary pressure is strong.


Posts : 647
Join date : 2012-10-23

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